Age: 22 | Date:
Submitted as coursework to Coventry University, UK. Parallel and Distributed Programming. This module covered how to write code so that it runs more efficiently and reliably using concurrency, parallelism (MPI) and distribution (OpenMP). The coursework required a portfolio of each technique as well as an assignment to create a simulation of a mars rover with a subsumption architecture.

Age: 21 | Date:
A simple platform to tag abstracted resources with a hierarchy structure. Used on this website.

Age: 22 | Date:
A mod for Minecraft that allows mobs and players to teleport through nether portals whilst mounted on a horse, boat, minecart, or other entities. I host a server for my friends and we often want to transport villagers and pets long distances. However, with current mechanics, we have to dismount and remount all mobs on both sides of the portal, which is a pain to say the least - many mobs have been killed.

Age: 22 | Date:
Submitted as coursework to Coventry University, UK. A community-driven game review website. Allows each registrant to give a short and long review for each game on the website. The short review is limited to text and an overall positive/negative score whilst the long review is a score of 0-100 and can contain any markdown including images and videos. Used the GitFlow branching model and Continuous Integration and Development to get 100% code coverage. The module required the random name for all publicly viewable repositories.
Age: 19 | Date:
Submitted as coursework to Coventry University, UK. Programming, Algorithms, and Data Structures. This coursework was to create a console application (with a menu) that runs 13 complex tasks e.g. N-Queen Problem, Hamiltonian Paths, and string edit distance. I used C++ templates which automatically detected the data type of user input and also sanitised, type checked, and error checked their input.
Age: 20 | Date:
My first MEAN stack application. Submitted as coursework to Coventry University, UK. The module tasked us with creating a website for a bus company, it was up to us what the website did. Most people chose to do a simple booking system whilst I decided to be a bit more ambitious and create a recommendation website.

Jon Hash
Age: 20 | Date:
One part of a module from second year at university was to design my own hashing algorithm. I am in the process of converting it to C from C++.

Age: 21 | Date:
This website! Completely redesigned and overhauled to use MEAN MERN Svelte 3 Sapper. As you can tell I use my website for playing around with various frameworks/stacks. Eventually I'll get around to putting more content on here...

Age: 21 | Date:
An idea I had to retrieving objects from an array in O(1) time. Achieved by transposing the array using the keys of each object. Uses a lot of memory.
Age: 20 | Date:
A browser compatibility analyser. Scans your repositories for any CSS, HTML, and JavaScript and figures out the minimum version each browser supports.

Age: 19 | Date:
FaktNews grades the trustworthiness of the website you're currently viewing. This project is a recreation of my team's submission at AstonHack 2017; I originally designed and created the front-end, but decided I wanted to redo the whole project to create a faster, more robust solution.

Age: 20 | Date:
3D Flappy Bird using the pulfrich effect. Get a pair of dark tinted sunglasses and pop out the left lens, and play away!
Age: 20 | Date:
Collection of graphical widgets used in other projects. The current ones came from FaktNews. New features added as and when, this project has no objectives.
Totally Not Agario
Age: 20 | Date:
A recreation of agar.io, this project is a continuation of my work from HackNotts 2017. I aim to completely recreate the game, at the moment I would say it has about 5% of the planned features. Error checking has been added but it's a bit strict at the moment, just (soft) refresh and try again if anything happens.
Face Swap
Age: 19 | Date:
Face swap using OpenCV. Another independent recreation of a team submission at BrumHack 2017. Hit a bit of a wall in development, but I am currently researching OpenCV by looking at similar projects.
Age: 15 | Date:
This game was designed to help my GCSE business studies classmates learn the definitions. This was made within a week so there's not much to it.

Age: 14 | Date:
My first 2D platformer. The levels are difficult, and the poor performance and control make it hard, but it is possible! Good luck... (It says at the end of the first level, but might not make it that far: press 'q' when near the flag to end the level)

Asteroid Run
Age: 14 | Date:
My first 2D sidescroller. The collision detection is awful, but there's a colour option in settings to make up for it.
Real World Project
Age: 17 | Date:
`Real World Project` Coursework. This app is a community based report system that allows the general public to submit problems to their local council. For example fly tipping, pot holes, or faulty lights. As lead programmer of the team it was my responsibility to select the appropriate tools for the job. The system would require evidence of the problem (pictures) so we needed to create a cross-platform mobile phone app. There were other restrictions to overcome as well: not all of the developers have access to the same level of equipment. One of us only had a Chromebook. After researching for two weeks I came up with the following combination: VS Code, React Native (and therefore Node.js), SQLite3,

Tank Trouble
Age: 17 | Date:
Local multiplayer tank battle game. You can add players until you run out of keys (or re-use them if you're up for a challenge). The environment is a procedurally generate maze with x (user-defined) random walls removed. Bullets bounce twice before they get absorbed.

Age: 17 | Date:
A simple Minesweeper clone

Age: 17 | Date:
A simple cipher encryption and decryption file application.

Age: 14 | Date:
A simple procedural maze generator that I created in a couple of days during my year 10 works experience. When I learn a new language I use maze generation as my Hello World; it's a simple algorithm that introduces the syntax for simple things like variable assignment and loops, as well as function declaration, calls, and definitions - none of which, "Hello World" would cover.